Park Rentals& advertisement

Endless acres of excitement available for rental

Bundy Hill Offroad has 350 acres for rent! 

Bundy Hill Offroad is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays throughout the riding season for exclusive private or corporate rentals. During the winter, Bundy Hill Park offers a more flexible rental schedule. Here’s what Bundy has to offer:
Trail/Track Work
Pavilion Use
Catered Lunches
Tent, Table, & Chair Rentals
Air Stations
Power Washers
Experienced Park Ranger
Campground Use
Trails For All
To book your rental or inquire further, please fill out the form below, and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible.



When you advertise here at Bundy Hill you will be exposing your company to  thousands of off-road enthusiasts.   Bundy Hill host over 20,000 people per year. Our diverse guest population is made up from all demographics. The O.R.V. facility  is made up of over 300 acres of diverse terrain and is the largest privately owned park in Michigan. 

Google Page: Top 3 on page 1
Facebook Reaches: 117.5k
Instagram: 2.8k

Weekend Boost
The perfect way to get your business name out to our guest. 
You can be as hands on or off as you would like.  You can set up a booth right at the front of the park so everyone has to drive by, or we can hand flyers out for you. We will also advertise on our website and Facebook 
Starts at $300 pre-weekend

Event Sponsorship 
Bundy Hill offers many different types of events where we have many different options. These options change from event to event. Message us at for more information on upcoming events. you can visit our events at

Trail Sponsorship
A 2”x4′ sign with your business information and logo will be placed at the entrance and exit of each trail.  
Starting at $300

Trail Map Sponsorship 
Bundy Hill prints 5000 maps at least per season. You can place a business size card ad for $150. This option is currently unavailable. 

Staging Area Banner 
Display your company’s banner in our parking or unloading areas. All 20,000 plus guest have to drive by these signs to enter the park. Billboards are 2’x6′. 
Starting at $650, pub-1557694225999837, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0